Wednesday, January 16, 2008


     Alot of people around the world are keeping a watchful eye on the choices that the baby boomers make in 2008.  Considering that in the U.S. alone in 2005 there were 78 million in 2005 (US Census) and in 2007, Canadian census bureaus reported 8.9 million people between 45 and 64 years of age.
Their preferences will influence all organizations in the world for many years to come.  So, what are we boomers looking for ??

     The International Council on Active Aging ( www.  has identified 8 major trends indicating our intent to actively age : 

1. We use the internet to network socially,  make travel plans, and learn about health issues
       Newer age-qualified retirement communities all are hard wired for the internet; 89% of boomers get their health information from net sources; Kaiser and Secure Horizons and others have internet programs for their members  to access, education, tools, coaches, and a social network; 32% of us visit online communities that specifically market to the 50 year old + set. Some internet based travel companies, like Travel by Leisure Care (goal is to change the view among seniors, and their children, that they are too old to travel) actively promote physical activity and well being through travel. 

2. Retirement Communities are no longer all about golf
      Some are gay friendly ( like the Billie Jean King endorsed Rainbow Vision community in Santa Fe, NM; some are multigenerational communities near college campus'; some are in urban areas, close to live theatre and music, and the performing arts; 
    Some have fitness and athletic orientations.......with wine of course ! They are more about bonding with people of like interests, than away warm air, and swaying palms. Some neighborhoods simply evolve into retirement communities, as residents age in place,and desire to stay close to their friends: services are merely subcontracted, and brought in.

3. We intend to function cognitively, and intellectually at a high level throughout our aging
     Our brain health is paramount in importance: 69 % of us list dementia , and all it's forms as our top fear in aging.  Just look at the funding for Alzheimer's research. A close second is losing our physical functional health.

4. Technology is inspiring us to move in our living rooms, instead of watching TV
    There are the interactive games, like Wii ( Nintendo); Dance step mats (Dancetown); the Cybex Trazer          ( that leads movement, and gives sensory feedback).  Accepting the paramount importance of movement most boomers already own a pedometer.

5.   70% of us will work during our retirement years (AARP)
      Most of us want to continue to make a difference in our communities.  Many of us will choose a new career. Progressive companies worry about the age related brain drain, and are beginning to offer more flexible arrangements, in the interest of retaining this skilled workforce.

6. We will continue to learn. 
     On-line learning opportunities; programs at universities and colleges that focus on the 50 yr old + set; many boomers returning to college for a first degree at 60 years of age

7. Physical Fitness is priority #2
    Boomers understand that all money and education, and aspiration to travel in the world is useless, if their bodies are not in shape to enjoy it: age friendly gyms, training programs,seniors strength training as a norm; 25% of helth club members are over 55; 87 % of boomers over 60 years of age ist improving their physical health as a top priority.

8. Health Plans are beginning to pay for preventive services
    They are just beginning to understand that illness is more expensive to treat the wellness, and illness is at the vortex of our current skyrocketing medical costs.

For boomers, it is all about staying engaged in life, and not sitting around. There life experience has taught them that aging is not about chronology: with the research confirmations coming in at lightening speed; look for this generation to change the world view.........again.

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