Monday, December 17, 2007

Aging Mirrors our Choices

I have always been fascinated by nutrition: and before I had any formalized knowledge, I understood empirically the expression "you are what you eat". During my college years, I read progressive books on nutrition, like "Sugar Blues"; also read some early eco-friendly books, like "Diet for a Small Planet".

Despite my education, I confess that I have made poor choices. I unconsciously choose foods that would effect my mood, emotions and physical state. Right now, my LOVE for Ben and Jerry's "Chubby Hubby" would make more sense than explaining my personal investment in transformaging.

Last May, I looked in the mirror at my skin, my muscles (where my muscle tone used to be), my temperament, noted my discontent, drove off to work.

While at work, I looked out in the dining room of my very posh senior upscale retirement community, and noticed two kinds of 85 year olds: ones that were behaving more energetically than many of my 50-60 year old friends; and ones who were very frail, mentally, emotionally and physically.

How did these two kinds of 85 year olds get so far apart on the wellness spectrum? And yes, how did I, once a fit athletic, well educated gal, get so dumpy? Where was my sex appeal?

One thing for damn sure, I was never going to be the gal wearing "Depends", shuffling down the hall on my red hot walker (even if it was flemish red like my current Benz); or worse.

My dignity is at stake here at 53 years of age. And yours is too.

Keep comin back and find out why.

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